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Listen to podcasts interviews and discussions with me below!

If you think I'd be a good fit on your podcast, or to give a talk, let's connect!

odcast Features


Podcast Series with
The Whole Point

My most intimate and vulnerable interview, I share the story of my father's transition into non-physical, and the inner work, personal development and healing that helped me prepare and move through it with two of the women who helped me the most - Christy and Cyrina. 

Podcast series with
Airy Fairy Feminist


I've teamed up with Charlotte Kaye for a series on her podcast, Airy Fairy Feminist, to discuss female empowerment and healing in sex and intimacy, relationships and vulnerability, break-ups, and more.


Goddess Level Orgams

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I sat down with Charlotte Kaye,

of the Airy Fairy Feminist Podcast to 

discuss all things sex and sexual healing. From goddess level orgasms, masturbation, sexual trauma, and overall, the importance of having an intimate relationship with yourself! 


Relationships & Vulnerability

In our second conversation, Charlotte Kaye,

of the Airy Fairy Feminist Podcast and I discuss relationships and vulnerability. We ask, are you being vulnerable with yourself? 



Charlotte and I share what we remember from our first periods, and some of the individual/universal beliefs around periods.

Beliefs affect our experiences and those beliefs can manifest in the form of easy or difficult periods. What are our bodies actually telling us during our time of the month? It’s probably more than you think. 

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Break-ups have been a major part of my self discovery and growth journey. Charlotte and I discuss our journey of surviving to thriving post break-ups. We talk about scarcity mindset, misalignment, manipulation, and abuse. I also announce my "Soul Contract Release Sessions" designed to help you move forward from those stuck feelings.

How to Reconnect with your Intuition

and Why it's Important

Kerstin and I discuss one of my favorite topics, the importance of connecting to your intuition. I give tips for practices. The focus of Kerstin's podcast is health, but the importance of inner connection applies to all aspects of your life.


What is Rapid

Transformational Therapy?

Xai Moore interviews me after receiving an RTT session. We discuss her session, what RTT is, and the difference between RTT to hypnotherapy and traditional talk therapy.


This episode focuses on my beliefs and practices regarding alignment.


The Messy Path

Ariel & Whitney co-host The Messy Path Podcast in conjunction with their course on the messy path of personal development and spiritual relationships

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